Stay Healthy

health & fitness


Eating the right foods and the right amounts of foods can help you live a longer, healthier life. To get all the nutrition the human body needs, you must eat a balanced diet including dairy, grains, protein, fruits and veggies, as well as fat (yes, even fat!). Getting the nutrients you need, such as calcium and iron, and keeping your weight under control can help. Try to balance the calories you get from food with the calories you use through physical activity. It is never too late to start eating right. Here are some helpful tips. If you want to work on portion control, eat low energy-density foods (i.e. more substance, fewer calories). Fruits and vegetables, for example, are packed with not only vitamins and minerals, but also water and fiber, making them take longer to digest and keeping you full longer.


Vitamin A: 

Sources: Liver, orange, ripe yellow fruits, leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, squash, spinach, fish, soya milk, milk. Benefits:A plays a vital role in bone growth, reproduction and immune system health. It also helps the skin and mucous membranes repel bacteria and viruses more effectively. Deficiency diseases: Night blindness,Hyperkeratosis, and  Keratomalacia

                            Vitamin B: 

Sources: Pork, oat meal, brown rice, vegetables, potatoes, liver,eggs, dairy products, bananas, popcorn, green beans, asparagus, meat, fish, eggs, many vegetables, mushrooms, tree nuts, meat, broccoli, avocados, meat, vegetables, tree nuts, bananas, raw egg yolk, liver, peanuts, leafy green vegetables, leafy vegetables, pasta, bread, cereal, liver, meat and other animal products.
Benefits: promote a healthy metabolism,  important For Preventing Beriberi, for Energy,  prevent early aging and the development of heart disease. Deficiency diseases: Beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, Megaloblastic anemiaand Deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects, such as neural tube defect

Vitamin C: 

Sources: Many fruits and vegetables, liver. Benefits: protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin. Deficiency diseases: Scurvy

Vitamin D:

Sources: Fish, eggs, liver, mushrooms Benefits:  Deficiency diseases: Rickets and  Osteomalacia

Vitamin E:

Sources: Many fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds Benefits: regulation of calcium and phosphorus absorption, maintenance of healthy bones and teeth,  supply a protective effect against multiple diseases and conditions such as cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis, thins the blood,  prevents the blood platelets from clumping,  protection against toxins such as air pollution, premenstrual syndrome, eye disorders such as cataracts, neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes. Deficiency diseases: Deficiency is very rare;sterility in males and abortions in females, mild hemolytic anemiain newborn infants.

Vitamin K:

Sources: Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, egg yolks, liver Benefits:  regulates normal blood clotting, reduce bone loss, and decrease risk of bone fractures. Deficiency diseases: Bleeding diathesis


Drink water before each time you eat. When we feel hungry, many times we are actually just thirsty. Drinking water before each time you eat (one or two glasses) is able to help you discern when you are actually hungry and even if you are hungry, water can sometimes help as an appetite suppressant.

Do not eat after 8pm. At night your body is slowing down. It is trying to “take it easy” and get ready for bed. If you keep stuffing it with food, your body is going to have to work more during the night to digestthe food that you eating.
Radical substitution. If you are trying to meet weight loss goals, junk food is your enemy. Substituting your unhealthy food with healthy food can make a huge difference in your eating habits. Since junk food is your enemy, you need to see it as an enemy and treat it like an enemy. Getting junk food out of your house and replacing it with fruits, veggies, healthy crackers, etc. will go a long way. If you don't have a certain food in your house, there is a much smaller chance of you eating it.

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